From a toll station to a living museum

The Roman road over the Alps has been traced back as far as the 4th century AD in the area where Mauterndorf castle stands today. It navigated the Obertauern mountain chain and led on to the old Roman city of Juvavum, today’s Salzburg. A document traced back to Emperor Heinrich II from 1002 stated that a toll station had been set up to levy money. The first documentary recording of the existence of the castle itself dates back to 1253. In the 13th century, in order to protect the market village, the Salzburg Domkapitel ordered the construction of castle fortifications at Mauterndorf. The provost of the cathedral, Burkhard von Weißpriach, and later Archbishop Leonhard von Keutschach, expanded the fortifications in the 15th century; the latter being so enamored with the castle that he used it as a summer residence.

Hands-on history

Until 1806 Mauterndorf Castle was owned by the cathedral chapter and used as an administrative center, after which it was handed over to the state. From the beginning of the 19th century onwards the largest threat it faced was from decay and disrepair. In 1894 the castle was taken over by a Prussian military doctor, Dr. Hermann von Epenstein, and restored at great effort and expense. After changing hands on several occasions, the government of the province of Salzburg acquired the castle in 1968. From 1979 to 1982 this historically significant building was renovated and restored to the tune of around 20 million Austrian shillings or approximately 1.45 million Euros.

Mauterndorf Castle: An impressive piece of building history

Today, Mauterndorf Castle is an impressive monument to the building achievements of the past, housing a very rich history within its walls. The halls, chambers, vaults and private rooms have been developed in such a way as to make history tangible and also house the Lungau Landschaftsmuseum. The castle is now a regional center of cultural interest and offers excellent catering and restaurant facilities.

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